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Passion Fruit Curd cocktail glass
The Cherry Tree product range

A world of flavour awaits

For more than two decades it has been our mission to produce memorable flavours that excite tastebuds everywhere.

What customers are saying

Don't just take our word for it
5-star rating
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Absolutely lovely chutney. Full of flavours… SWEET & YUMMY… Popped some into a corned beef bolognese and it was SUPERB!!! Best I've ever tried… x

5-star rating
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Absolutely delicious, I used Passion Fruit Curd in homemade butterfly cakes as a topping with buttercream and also mixed into buttercream, stirred into yogurt, this has so many uses.

5-star rating
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Incredible Chutney, a real treat. Got some for Christmas and it's now something we order repeatedly. Excellent customer service from Cherry Tree as well.

5-star rating
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This is brilliant, a wonderful tangy flavour, worth every penny. I can recommend this to anyone.

5-star rating
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Oh dear I think I am addicted! This is delicious! It is really quite tart so if you don't like that this isn't for you but I love lemons and I love passion fruit and I find it yummy! I will be back for more!

5-star rating
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Delighful smooth moreish sharpness without being overpowering. Equally lovely on toast. Mixed it with half fat creme fraiche as a dessert topping with berries. Very versatile.

Sweet Cider Chutney

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